During the next several months you are going to meet a lot of incredible people (kids and adults) who simply refused to be denied what they wanted.
They all have one thing in common – they all were clear on their purpose.
So many people struggle to know what theirs is.
Purpose is the why – why you are here.
It’s knowing what your special calling in life is.
Your purpose is what makes you unique – the special gifts and abilities you were born with, and can contribute to the world.
Young or old – it can be tough to know what your purpose is.
But it may be the most important thing you discover about yourself.
I believe your lasting happiness depends on it. Knowing your purpose will fuel your efforts and give you the drive to keep pressing on, no matter the challenges you face.
Some people think you can’t know your purpose when you are young, or they think if they’re older that it’s too late for it to make any difference.
It’s never too late to live the best life you can live.
It’s never to live with the feeling you are fulfilling your destiny.
Here’s a thought to wrap your brain around: Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives.
Too many people flounder through life – waiting, hoping that the moment will come when their purpose becomes clear.
In the meantime, they are simply going through the motions of living, never experiencing the exciting spark of aliveness that comes from knowing your purpose.
What about you?
Do you know why you’re here?
Do you wake up every day, excited about your life?
If you don’t, you’re not alone, but I believe you can change that.
Finding your purpose is a process requiring self-reflection and patience.
It seems unfair that you don’t just KNOW why you are here, but life is not always fair (surprise, surprise!).
Here’s the first thing I want you to do.
(Yes, as we travel through this year, I’ll occasionally ask you to do something. Whether you do it is totally up to you! I’ll make sure they are always little requests..)
Pull out a sheet of paper and write, “How I Want to Be Remembered”.
Then add some columns: Friends; Spouse; Children; Co-Workers; Community; the World.
If you go to church, belong to a team, or another special group, add them in.
Now… List all the qualities, deeds and characteristics you would like to be remembered for. It’s not too late…
When you have done that, go back. Find the pattern that shows you your highest values.
Discover what drives you. Determine your purpose.
People ask me, “Once I determine my purpose, does that mean I quit whatever I’m doing to pursue that?”
Maybe. Maybe not.
I never tell people what I think they should do.
Each person has to make their decisions about how they live their life.
The important thing is to spend enough time with yourself to learn your purpose, and then make your decisions around that knowledge.
You really can find your purpose.
Tonights call is at
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-
pick up the Chaos to Cash
Get your free video series showing you how to build your business on a budget
604 799 3238
Love you all
Karl Radke
They all have one thing in common – they all were clear on their purpose.
So many people struggle to know what theirs is.
Purpose is the why – why you are here.
It’s knowing what your special calling in life is.
Your purpose is what makes you unique – the special gifts and abilities you were born with, and can contribute to the world.
Young or old – it can be tough to know what your purpose is.
But it may be the most important thing you discover about yourself.
I believe your lasting happiness depends on it. Knowing your purpose will fuel your efforts and give you the drive to keep pressing on, no matter the challenges you face.
Some people think you can’t know your purpose when you are young, or they think if they’re older that it’s too late for it to make any difference.
It’s never too late to live the best life you can live.
It’s never to live with the feeling you are fulfilling your destiny.
Here’s a thought to wrap your brain around: Everyone dies, but not everyone really lives.
Too many people flounder through life – waiting, hoping that the moment will come when their purpose becomes clear.
In the meantime, they are simply going through the motions of living, never experiencing the exciting spark of aliveness that comes from knowing your purpose.
What about you?
Do you know why you’re here?
Do you wake up every day, excited about your life?
If you don’t, you’re not alone, but I believe you can change that.
Finding your purpose is a process requiring self-reflection and patience.
It seems unfair that you don’t just KNOW why you are here, but life is not always fair (surprise, surprise!).
Here’s the first thing I want you to do.
(Yes, as we travel through this year, I’ll occasionally ask you to do something. Whether you do it is totally up to you! I’ll make sure they are always little requests..)
Pull out a sheet of paper and write, “How I Want to Be Remembered”.
Then add some columns: Friends; Spouse; Children; Co-Workers; Community; the World.
If you go to church, belong to a team, or another special group, add them in.
Now… List all the qualities, deeds and characteristics you would like to be remembered for. It’s not too late…
When you have done that, go back. Find the pattern that shows you your highest values.
Discover what drives you. Determine your purpose.
People ask me, “Once I determine my purpose, does that mean I quit whatever I’m doing to pursue that?”
Maybe. Maybe not.
I never tell people what I think they should do.
Each person has to make their decisions about how they live their life.
The important thing is to spend enough time with yourself to learn your purpose, and then make your decisions around that knowledge.
You really can find your purpose.
Tonights call is at
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-
pick up the Chaos to Cash
Get your free video series showing you how to build your business on a budget
604 799 3238
Love you all
Karl Radke
Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterz.
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