Friday, August 29, 2008

Imagine life without

Imagine a world with no ATM Machines; no passbook savings; no car or home-improvement loans; or no installment-plan credit...

Hard to do, isn’t it???

Well, you owe a huge thanks to one man who refused to be told it couldn’t be done...

Most people want to know how to create success in their life...

I know you’re thinking about what you are going to create with your life...

I’m here to tell you that if you have a strong vision, and a will to overcome whatever obstacles get in your way, you can accomplish anything...

Just ask Amadeo Peter Giannini (A.P.).

A.P. certainly had his share of obstacles...

When he was only 7, his father died in a fight over one dollar...

Things were hard for him and his mother...

She remarried a man who went into the produce business...

A.P., at age 14, quit school to work with him.

By 19 he was a partner in the thriving enterprise, built largely on his reputation for integrity and honesty.

At 31 years of age he had all the money he needed or wanted, and announced his retirement. One year later his real career began…

At 32, A.P. was asked to join the board of the Columbus Savings & Loan society, a modest bank in the Italian section of town.

It wasn’t long before A.P found himself at odds with the other directors.

A.P. wanted the bank to loan money to hard-working immigrants, but at that time banks were in business only for business men and the wealthy.

His ideas of loaning money to the working class were scoffed at.

No problem. A.P. had a vision and he was determined to make it reality.

He raised $150,000 (a massive amount of money then) from family and friends, bought a converted saloon right across the street from the Columbus S&L; kept the bartender on as an assistant teller; and opened the Bank of Italy...

In those days it wasn’t considered proper to solicit banking business.

He ignored the “proper way” and began ringing doorbells and talking to everyone he could about what a bank did.

He advertised. He kept the bank open longer hours, and on weekends, to fit into working people’s schedules.

Business boomed...

A.P. believed in making other people’s dreams come true.

He helped the California Wine Industry get started.

He bankrolled Hollywood when they were trying to make movies popular.

When Walt Disney ran $2 million dollars over budget on Snow White, he stepped in with a loan...

A.P. believed integrity and “giving back” were the formulas for success.

What began in 1904 as the Bank of Italy transformed into the Bank of America – now the world’s largest bank.

What about A.P.?

Did he die a billionaire?

When he passed away at age 79, his estate was worth less than $500,000.

It was purely by choice.

He disdained great wealth, believing it would make him lose touch with the people he wanted to serve.

He worked for no pay for years.

A surprise $1.5 million bonus one year was promptly given to the University of California.

It was far more important for him to give and make a difference.

All of us have that ability and opportunity.

As you strive for success, remember you can use it to make a difference in the world.

A.P. strove to make a difference every day of his life.

Follow your own formula for success, then look for ways to give back to the world that has given you so much.

There are always ways. They are out there waiting for you to find them!

Get your free video series showing you how to build your business on a budget

604 799 3239

Love you all

Karl Radke

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Read about a most remarkable woman

Before Malalai was seven years old, her family had been moved from Afghanistan to Iran and then to Pakistan so she could attend school.

They moved from refugee camp to refugee camp to ensure their survival and to stay together.

When Malalai was 15, she became a teacher dedicated to fighting the illiteracy she witnessed all around her.

Five years later, under the repressive Taliban government, she moved to Herat in northwestern Afghanistan and joined an underground movement that supported schools for girls.

“We had to shift from location to location and we always carried the Koran so we could pretend we were in prayer, not in class,” she said. Taliban spies followed the girls in an attempt to find the schools and shut them down.

Malalai now lives and works among the simple folk in the Farah province of Afghanistan, and although her enemy is no longer the Taliban, human rights abuses against Afghan women continue. Malalai says of those in power, “People have changed physically, but not mentally. They are all the same. They are all Taliban in different clothes. They don’t really believe in democracy.”

In 2003, when Malalai was only 24 years old, she was elected to the Loya Jirga (grand council) that met to form the new Afghan government. As a result of using that forum to speak the truth, she suffered abuse, attacks on her home and survived four assassination attempts.

Then in 2005, Malalai was elected to the Parliament.

She had not intended to seek political office, but “. . . my supporters kept saying, ‘Your voice at the Loya Jirga gave us a hope that there is at least one who understands our suffering.

Now we want you once again to be the voice of the voiceless at Parliament.’ I couldn’t help but accept the honor to be the voice of my oppressed nation. . .”

This tiny, not-quite-5-foot tall woman is one of the most popular and powerful women in Afghanistan.

She is fearless as she speaks out for the rights of women and children in her country.

Malalai is aware that her life is in danger.

She sleeps in a different place every night; every day she is forced to wear a burqua (an outer garment covering her entire body), and is accompanied 24 hours a day by bodyguards.

People try to stop her as they fear for her life, but Malalai will not be silenced. “It gives me strength to keep telling the truth,” she insists.

Malalai Joya is a courageous woman who is putting her comfort, safety and life on the line for her beliefs.

Not many of us will ever be asked to what she is doing.

But each of us will be required at some point to stand up for what we believe.

It may be among strangers who are spreading lies about a friend.

It could be at a club meeting or before a school board speaking against an injustice.

It might be at a social event among friends who are gossiping.

Will you swallow your fear, and like Malalai stand up and speak the truth?

Your courage may be all that is needed to make the difference for someone else.

It may not be easy, but it can be done.

Tonights call is at

9:27 pm est

641 594-7000

Pass code 600088#

and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-

pick up the Chaos to Cash

Love you all

Karl Radke

604 799 3238

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.

Monday, August 25, 2008

One weekend something changed...

Sandi Watkins was doomed to be a failure.

At least that's what people thought.

That's what they said.

By the time Sandi got to high school she had the reputation as the biggest trouble-maker in town.

She had a long arrest record, mostly for petty crimes, but everyone knew she was on the fast-track to prison.

Teachers cringed when they say her name on their class list.

Sandi was sullen; sat slumped in her seat, and ignored everything going on around her.

She had flunked every class in high school but she kept moving up because not one teacher in her school wanted to have her back again.

Sandi was moving on - but she was most certainly not moving up.

No one tried to get to know her.

Teachers, and most kids, were afraid of her.

No one knew when she would erupt with anger, and fights were common.

By her senior year, everyone was simply counting the days until Sandi was gone.

Then Sandi did a strange thing.

She signed up for a leadership conference that was designed to get students involved in their communities.

It was only because she wanted to get out of class, but something happened that first day...

At first she merely stood against the wall and watched with disdain.

She would join the discussion groups but only mumbled a few words when it was her turn to speak.

But slowly the interactive games drew her in.

She really began to open up when her group was asked to make a list of positive and negative things that had happened at school that year.

She certainly had some things to add about that.

You could see the surprise on her face when the other kids in the group actually listened to her.

She kept talking.

Her group told Sandi her ideas made a lot of sense.

They began to treat her like a leader. Suddenly everyone realized Sandi was really smart and had some great ideas.

The next day Sandi continued to share her ideas, signing up to be part of the Homeless Project Team.

It was clear she knew something about poverty, hunger and hopelessness.

No one was more surprised than Sandi when they elected her to be co-chair of the team.

Okay, maybe the teachers were more surprised - appalled actually.

They insisted Sandi couldn't do it, that it was ridiculous to put something so important into Sandi Watkins' hands.

The principal held firm, however - telling them they might be surprised.

I'm sure he was hoping he was right.

Sandi and her team put together a Homeless Scavenger Hunt.

They went to the Homeless Shelters to find out what they needed most.

Then they made a list of things they planned to collect, assigning the most points to those items the shelters needed most.

She found out the homeless rarely get dessert, so she gave high points to cookies, brownie & cake mixes, etc. High scores also went for blankets and coats.

Two weeks later, 100 kids hit the streets of their town, followed by support vans to carry their haul.

4 hours later they met back at the school to load everything into a school bus and take it to the shelter.

There was a slight problem, however.

By the time the school bus was loaded, there was room for only one person - the driver.

Every seat, every square inch of floor, all the way to the ceiling, was packed with what they had collected. Coats, blankets, clothing, food, a lot of desserts - it was the most the Shelter had ever received.

The shelter residents had huge smiles on their faces as they filed out to help unload the bus.

They cheered Sandi and her team.

The paper was there to take pictures and tell stories.

Sandi was a hero. A leader.

She was definitely a changed person.

The rest of her senior year she actually talked in class.

She made good grades.

She put together 2 more projects for the Homeless Shelter, each time bringing them what they needed most.

There were no more arrests.

Sandi graduated in the spring and went on to college - with glowing recommendations from many teachers at her school.

Every year she leads 4 projects for the Homeless Shelters in the town where she goes to school.

Here is what Sandi has to say, "I was on the fast-track to nowhere. I was the only one who could change where my life was going. It was scary but I knew what would happen if I didn't change was worse. I learned I really could make a difference. It changed my whole life. And I learned that other people could believe in me if I only gave them a chance."

Sandi asked me to share her story to let you know you can be whatever you want to be. It's always your choice. She also wanted me to tell you that a little belief goes a long way.

One adult deciding to believe in her - to look beyond what everyone else saw - set her free to be who she really was.

She's hoping you'll look around today and choose to believe in someone.

Maybe that person is someone you know or maybe that someone is yourself.

Tonights call is at

9:27 pm est

641 594-7000

Pass code 600088#

and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-

pick up the Chaos to Cash

Love you all

Karl Radke

604 799 3238

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nothing could stop her

How much courage does it take to follow your passion? Ask Bethany Hamilton…

Bethany, who lives in Hawaii, was in grade school when she started her quest to become a professional surfboarder.

Surfing is her passion.

She spent every available minute in the water, even homeschooling so she would have more time to pursue her goal.

When she was 8 years old she entered her first major competition – eventually taking the division championships that year.

This girl obviously had what it took.

It was almost all taken away from her on Halloween morning, 2003.

Bethany was 13 years old.

She was surfing with her best friend, Alana, and Alana’s brother and father.

The waters were calm, not good for surfing, so Bethany was just lying on her board, her left arm dangling in the cool water.

She remembers a flash of gray, a lot of pressure, and a couple fast tugs.

She also remembers watching the jaws of a 15-foot tiger shark cover the top of her board and her left arm.

She watched in shock as the water around her turned bright red.

The shark was gone as fast as it appeared.

So was her arm – bitten off almost to the armpit.

Bethany was horrified but not in pain at that point.

She yelled to her friends and their father, Holt. “I just got attacked by a shark!”

It was a combination of miracles that saved Bethany at that point.

High tide allowed them to make it over the reef without going around.

Holt knew enough to wrap his shirt around the wound to act as a tourniquet while they paddled the quarter-mile to shore.

While Bethany drifted in and out of consciousness, a nearby vacationer who was a paramedic rushed to help her.

Surgery saved her life but her arm was gone for good, and everyone, Bethany included, thought her surfing days were over.

Balance is everything when surfing.

How could she balance with only 1 arm?

Within a week, spurred by her passion for surfing, Bethany was thinking something different.

I can do it. I know I can do it!

She wasn’t ready to give up what she loved so much, but it would take time for her body to heal.

There was a huge outpouring of love and support from Hawaiians and people all over the world.

Love, food, flowers, cards, money… Bethany gathered hope and courage from the waves of love aimed toward her.

It was only a few weeks later – the morning before Thanksgiving – Bethany headed back for the water.

Her love of surfing wouldn’t let her wait any longer. Her family and friends were there to cheer her on when she stepped into the warm water for the first time since the attack.

It was like coming home.

Bethany smiled and waved, then jumped on her board to paddle out – pushing down the fear of what might be waiting under the water.

She knew too well…

She failed at her first attempts to ride the board, struggling to push herself up with one arm and keep her balance.

Tears rolled down her face, and the crowds cheered when she caught her first wave and rode it in.

Bethany was back!

Really back.

Only months after her vicious incident, Bethany amazed thousands by achieving the unimaginable, including taking 5th at the 2004 National Scholastic Surfing Association Nationals Championships.

In September she struck again, winning the Open Women's Division of the NSSA's Hawaiian conference season opener.

After her placing in the finals of the National Surfing Championships Bethany has secured a spot on USA's National Surfing Team.

Ask Bethany if she is afraid of sharks and she’ll say yes.

Her heart pounds when she sees a shadow in the water.

She has nightmares.

But she also has a dream, and moving beyond her fears is the only way to accomplish her dreams – the only way to fulfill the passion she has for surfing.

Is there a fear keeping you from following your passion?

I would encourage you to do what Bethany has done.

Stare it in the face, acknowledge you are afraid, then go out and do it anyway!!

I know you can do it.

Tonights call is at

9:27 pm est

641 594-7000

Pass code 600088#

and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-

pick up the Chaos to Cash

Love you all

Karl Radke

604 799 3238

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

in less than 4 mins

They said it couldn't be done – it was absolutely impossible – but he did it in less than 4 minutes!

Everyone knew it couldn’t be done.

Roger Bannister had no real motivation to prove them wrong. The young Englishman loved to run but from the time he was a child he also had a passion to be a doctor. This was the passion that drove him. His parents were unable to afford a University education so it was up to him to make it happen.

He knew early on that to achieve his dream of being a doctor he would have to be exceptional – so he set about being exceptional. His studies were paramount but that didn’t mean he couldn’t improve his track skills by running to and from school. While he was on his way to earning a scholarship from Oxford University, he was also gaining a name for himself as a runner.

“It is physically impossible for a human being to run a mile in under 4 minutes.” This statement was the accepted wisdom of the time during the late 1940’s and early 1950’s. Runners tried, but failed, proving the words of athletes and medical doctors – cementing a belief in runners minds that it couldn’t be done.

Roger didn’t set out to prove them wrong. He simply loved to run and he was fast. He was also learning a lot about the human body in his studies at Oxford. The day arrived when he was firmly convinced it WAS possible for a human being to run the mile in under 4 minutes.

His decision to be that person was formed by a humiliating defeat in the 1952 Olympics. In order to redeem himself he decided to break the world’s record for the mile. No one believed he could do it.

Adding to his challenge was the fact he was now a full-time Medical student and he could devote only 45 minutes a day to training. People scoffed at the idea he could accomplish such a wild goal but Roger believed slow and steady training would allow him to break the record. He painstakingly researched mechanical aspects of running, and developed scientific training methods to help him achieve his goal.

His opportunity came 2 years later – on a blustery day with 25 MPH gusts of wind to hamper his efforts. It didn’t look promising. So what? He had trained. He was ready. He believed it could be done.

So he simply went out and did it. Roger ran the race of his life, breaking the tape and collapsing as the announcer delivered his time to a wildly cheering crowd:


Within two months his record had been broken by John Landy – proving the 4 minute mile was as much a psychological barrier as it was a physical barrier. As the years have passed the mile has been run in shorter and shorter times but it was Roger Bannister who proved the body was capable of far more than people believed.

When he was asked to explain that first four-minute mile – and the art of record breaking – his answer was simple: “It’s the ability to take more out of yourself than you’ve got.”

Did you get that?

“It’s the ability to take more out of yourself than you’ve got.”

How did Roger do it? First, he BELIEVED he could do it. He understood the size of his success would be determined by the size of his belief.

Here is where I’m going to depart from some more common thoughts that are spread around a lot today. While belief is critically important – in fact, he couldn’t have accomplished what he did without it - belief alone is not enough. It is not enough to repeat affirmations over and over to yourself, even though they are important.

At some point you have to do the work. Roger Bannister ran day after day. He researched the human body. He created scientific methods to enable him to stretch his limits. He did what it would take to fulfill his dream.

What are your goals? What is it you dream of accomplishing? BELIEVE it can be done. Then do the work. Apply yourself to success. Apply yourself to excellence. Figure out what it is going to take and then go DO IT!

Tonights call is at

9:27 pm est

641 594-7000

Pass code 600088#

and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-

pick up the Chaos to Cash

Love you all

Karl Radke

604 799 3238

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I'd like to introduce you to the miracle

I'd like to introduce you to the miracle of Chinese Bamboo...

It all begins with a seed - and with the vision of someone willing to wait... A Chinese farmer, usually struggling to survive and provide for his family, plants the seed and sets his hope and vision on all it will provide when it towers 90 feet above his head.

With a heart toward

the future he digs hole after hole, plants the seeds, then begins their care.

Day after day he carries water to the spot he has marked. And because it's human nature to want to see results he carefully inspects "the spot" every day.


Knowing he has to feed his family he plants other crops, carefully sewn around "the spots" that contain the real hope for his future.

He continues to water them every day, feeding them carefully, and watching...


The other crops sprout within weeks, providing nourishment for his family within months, but provide nothing for the future.

These crops will not make his dreams come true - they will simply provide for the now.

The Chinese Bamboo seeds contain all his hopes, his dreams... A whole year goes by...


He continues to haul water. He stares endlessly at "the spots" but sees nothing but barren ground.

His hopes, his dreams, seem so very far away.

There is no evidence of life. Has the seed rotted? Has it died before it ever had a chance to grow? Another year goes by...


His neighbors - those who don't know and believe in the miracle of the Chinese Bamboo - laugh at him.

They mock his vision for the future.

They look on with scorn as he hauls buckets of water to "the spots".

He begins to question himself. Will it ever grow? Is he pouring water, and his life's energy, into something that will reap no reward for him?

Another year goes by...


3 years of pouring water, energy and hope into the Chinese Bamboo. Nothing to show for it.

Yet he's heard of the miracle of the Chinese Bamboo.

He's heard of the huge rewards that come to those who believe. One day he stands over "the spots" and he cries his frustration and fears.

"The spots" reveal nothing, the barren ground seeming to mock him, yet the wind whispers hope to him. He sighs and hauls yet more buckets of water. Another year goes by...


4 years.... 4 years of hoping, wishing, and diligently tending his dream. Surely the miracle will happen now. His neighbors have quit laughing. They no longer even care - yet they talk quietly among themselves of the farmer who "isn't quite right". At this point the farmer isn't even sure... Yet he's fallen into a habit so he continues to water "the spots". He continues to feed them.

It's simply what he does now, with no knowledge of reward - just the simply, now unspoken hope, that life resides beneath the spots he so carefully tends. Another year



5 years… The farmer is tired.

Tired of hauling buckets.

Tired of growing and tending so many other crops to feed his struggling family.

Tired of trying to keep his dream alive.

T ired of seeing no results day after day.

He stares hopelessly at "the spots". There can not possibly be life after so many years. He must have watered them wrong. He must not have fed them correctly.

If only he had done things differently, there would be growth. Despair rocks his soul.

5 years he has poured into his dream - into his hope for a better future. His dream mocks him. The vision of a better life for his family melts away under harsh reality. Tears fill his eyes as he grabs for the last hope residing in his soul and slowly lifts the bucket to pour water on to his dream.

After 5 years he realizes it would be folly to give up now...

Then comes the morning when the whole village is jolted awake by the cries of joy from the farmer.

They watch startled from their windows as he runs down the dusty road calling for his family to come see. As his family races back up the road after him, the rest of the village

pours from their houses to see what has the crazy farmer so excited. They find the family clustered around "the spots", talking excitedly.

From the edge of the road they can see green sprouts thrusting out from the barren ground. They seem to be growing before their very eyes! The farmer is dancing.

"The miracle has happened!" he cries.

"The miracle has come!"

"The spots" become the place for everyone in the village to come - watching in amazement as the bamboo grows, and grows, and grows. 5 feet. 10 feet. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80. 90... In just 6 weeks the bamboo has grown 90 feet tall! 5 years of nothing and now this... 90 feet in 6 weeks! It is truly a miracle!

The farmer stands to the side. He is aware all his dreams have come true. The harvest of the bamboo will provide for all he dreamed of for his family. He also realizes the lessons he has learned are far more valuable.

He learned to plant a dream.

He learned to do the daily things that would make it a reality.

He learned to ignore those who said it couldn't happen.

He learned to push past his own fear and doubt and keep taking action.

He learned to have faith when there was no reason to have faith.

Now he smiles every time he walks through the village.

Everyone is hauling buckets of water to their own "spots". Gazing over at his towering 90 feet tall bamboo, they know what can happen.

Because of him.

Because of his willingness to blaze the trail and make his dream come true.

What about you? What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true?

How long are you willing to work?

How long are you willing to go to school?

How much faith and belief are you willing to have? I hope your answer is one that will help you achieve all you dream of in life!

TONIGHTS call is going to be a great one.

Subject: Which Came First???? The Chicken or The Egg-Class Tonight

Which Came First...

The chicken or the egg???

Which came first...the marketing or the mindset????

Tonight--Monday the 18th..

At 9:27 pm est

641 594-7000

Pass code 600088#

and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-

pick up the Chaos to Cash

Love you all

Karl Radke

604 799 3238

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Kicking the Habit

Start the self-talk course of action today and move yourself to effective thinking before it is too late by kicking those old habits.

Do you drink daily?

Well get a load of this, while you may have heard it a hundred and one times, it doesn’t matter you are going to hear it again.

How using alcohol affects you and why you may use: Consuming alcohol comes to you differently in view of the fact that the drug is legal.

Yet drugs spill out a new notion despite the consequences, i.e. drinking, like drugs will in time, kill you.

Alcohol when consumed too much hurts people yet intake too much and you will not like the results.

Not only does drinking heavily cloud your mind, it hinders you from thinking straight and can cause poison build up or other health hazards to appear in time.

Some people use alcohol for various reasons.

Some emotional, some ablaze, etc, and you can never tell, but it is employed to extremes and often utilized defense mechanism to escape some form of pain buried in the subliminal or subconscious mind.

In the end, the liver requests be destroyed, yet some people still comes to a decision on the use dipsomania to relieve pain and discomfort.

They fail to understand their discomfort, which causes them to drink.

Employing self-talk you can help you conquer this addition, principally if you put into practice self-talk each day.

Start the self-talk process red-hot* and overture your mind to positive thinking before it is too late.

Drinking is a age-old addiction that emerges from the Western days, and back further.

The old saying, curiosity kills the cat, is one of the bitter end folk mysticism today that has proven pitilessly true.

Sometimes you have to show tough love when a person is not willing to take self-talk measures or other measures to stop.

If you know any spin-off* future desensitizes, be the adult and report the manner to the appropriate authorities.

The person may start gnashing your teeth now, but later he/she will order to be indebted to you.

Not counting, it is principal to support your friend, family member, or child and to let them know it is okay to say no.

No is not a rejection in all cases, it is a symbol of love. That is the person is saying, “I care.”

If you have a drinking problem kick the habit now and start your self-talk program.

Start now with “I care about me.”

Tell yourself that you care about you and your health. You are worth the steps you have to take to kick that bad habit.

Some stocks become persistently to desensitize their mind to drugs or alcohol.

You are killing nerve cells and blood cells each time you drink. Not only are you accomplishing to desensitize your mind, you are also working to destroy your body.

Understand that desensitize is the process of making you less sensitive of fear.

You learn to become less responsive to overwhelming fear by repeating exposure to fear situations or object either artificially or naturally.

Thus, what you are doing with alcohol is burying fear that will resurface again, and is not in fact desensitized, thus you are creating new fear.

You can master this now.

Start a self-talk program with you.

Sit down.

Learn about your good points.

Learn why you deserve to live.

Unless you have a death wish, your self-talk practices will promote positive thinking, which in time you will kick that habit and put that booze away.

Karl Radke
604 799 3238

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Inner Strengths Discovered in Positive and Self-Talk Strategies

Self-talk is a line of approaches we can employ to turn out to be positive bookworms.

When we talk particularly over our difficulties with self, it assists us in blowing in* coming closer to ourselves and learning to gain sureness of our conduct or behaviors.

Using self-talk strategies, we can adjust our forms that cut off our success in life. Using self-have skills, we can have a discussion with self to discover our inner strengths to discover our wishes to heal our individuality mind and spirits.

Inner strength-talk is a positive reflection that gives us energy.

When we feel good inside we have ingenerates verve or spirit that determines our blossoming state.

As we commence to feel good, our lives become a sigh of relief. We find our aplomb-worthwhile at work, in relationships, at domicile, in society and so forth.

We gain many rewards from self-talk. Self-have is a discussion with self that gives you a fair shake* to boost your inner strengths-confidence, self-esteem and to learn more about you and who you are; in addition, you learn your bygone times.

This gives you the change to learn your goals in of the lifetime, which is essential to keep on successfully.

Moreover, you learn your personality type, which is eye-catching, since you need this information also to survive successfully in life.

History has proven that most of our problems roll in* from failure to feel who we are. Accordingly, knowing who you are is the ability to take it one-step at a time to make the steps come in union from one side to the other in thinking effectively and living a successful life.

For this generalization, we all need to learn how to employ our self-have a discussion with self as a delectable friend to strive toward a happier life.

Self-talk is also known as self-therapy.

Instead of paying a fortune for counseling services, learn how to trust you and use self-talk methods to find your inner strengths in discovering a positive attitude.

Self-talk is the process of mentally talking to you. Self-therapy the form of self-talk is a way to self-fertilize by using descriptions to clarify your confusion.

This is accordingly to your own admissions freely to convey your possessions in part of your behaviors and qualities, thus addressing them in particular methods.

Self-talk is also a form of self-congratulation.

This process helps you to smug with self by frequently mentoring your personal gains and displaying your satisfaction.

You expressively feel concern over problems, which self-talk guide you to finding answers.

This process makes you extremely aware consciously of impressions, reinforcements, inner strengths, etc.

You lean to feel comfortable with your failures and shortcomings when you start to realize all humans make mistakes.

Again, when you use positive reflections, such as self-talk you collect scores of compensations.

Self-talk supplies you with the probability of boosting your self-assurance, self-esteem, etc. You learn to trust you.

This breadwinner strategy enables you to learn your targets in life, which is input to stand fast successfully.

Once again, you learn who you are, which is a great reward, since you commit to involve this new finding to stick around* auspiciously in longevity.

Self-talk is a productive reflection that gives you energy.

At what time you start to perceive satisfying innermost you, you have natural initiative that determines your success.

As you commence to feel deep-seated wellness, your life becomes less stressful.

You will discover you are self-plentiful at labor, in your overall life. Self-talk is a method we use to mature useful savants. Use self-talk to positive thinking today.

You can pickup our 2 cd set, receive a free science of gettingrich, and a free month membership into the Million Mind March.

Pickup Chaos To Cash

the $14 2 cd set..

Call me
604 799 3238

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bad news

Hi all what a day I had. When you are sending out your emails use the words BAD NEWS in the subject line. Useing the words (bad news) will get the most openings. I tested diffrent subject lines and this is the best by far. I hope this helps you in your business.

Oh yea tonight will be the great Joe Schroeder talking on the call.

@ 9:27 est


ext 600088#

See ya there, and if you like what you see.. and want to taste

what I got going on...

You can pickup our 2 cd set, receive a free science of getting

rich, and a free month membership into the Million Mind March.

Pickup Chaos To Cash

the $14 2 cd set..

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.

karl radke

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.  mp3

Monday, August 11, 2008

karl radke

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.  mp3

Hypnosis and Positive Self Talk

If you feel satisfied with the person you are now then you are probably one of those people that worked hard to obtain a lovable personality.

Common folks comfortable with their own tegument are not the rabble who nose* to improve on or changing the persona.

To a certain extent those multitude who feel uncertain of their identity may feel insecure in their own individuality.

In view of this potential fact, these people have to find ways to make changes to learn to like who they are. Some of the top strategies used for centuries are self-hypnosis and positive self-talk.

Common folks who are less in clover with whom they are often reflect their attitudes and behaviors on others, whether it is consciously or unprepared.

These reflections often occur in the way that they act unsociably or fail to understand or accept others opinions, thoughts, etc...

If they are less outgoing and more retiring, what is in fact totally a shy or insecure weakness of the flesh may even be seen as snobbish, cold, or uninterested in those around them.

Thus, if you are less sympathetic and more retiring, you may have an unshielded nature may even be evident as egotistic, cold, or detrimental to those around you.

You can change this behavior through self-hypnosis and self-talk.
Instantly these citizens are time and again misinterpreted. Making an allowance for these people being without warning are often projecting images of themselves, yet not accurately of their true identity, and is actually a reflection of other people placing judgment on these souls.

Since other plebeians will peerless underpin this discernment by countering their own lack of comprehension of shy hoi polloi*, the introverted human being then becomes even more timorous, creating a sincerely discontented cycle.

It is the multitude and not those who are sanguine or optimistic with themselves or relaxed and contented with who they are as plebeians, who are most mortal to want to trade or convalesce their personality, transforming as they move along.

How can positive self-image-talk services progress a person's personality?
At the time constructive self-talk determines not actually flip-flop* somebody's personality, it can be litigate to transform that person's approaches of him or herself and in that way modify the way in which the individual reckons themselves to others.

This reflection or change will change the way a person views you as well.
By supportively changing themselves of their own cordiality as humanity and the fitness of their own muster, by and large the retiring soul can discover pristine self-reliance they can envisage.

The human race should in fact commence to end bad habits by underpinning their own self-worth as a human being.

It could become awfully chivalrous to create a record of all the things you have stated about you in the past.

You can benefit by including a small number of respects of your physical outer shell.

Since these respects also make us feel prime and will project in our confidence, yet it should not become the focal point of self-talk, as fleshly individualism can exchange exceptionally speedily and should never become the hand over of our estimation in our own merit.

Subjects can then create a list of eyewash* with ideas of their own self-worth.
You may want to record additional exemplary attributes you may have funneled to notice more, and characterizes you and promoting the beginning of your exhibit like now* the good qualities to others.

By replicating adulation others have supplied to us, we can use these as reminders to feed our mind food. Self-talk then allows us to take notes to look in areas to improve our life.

Friday, August 8, 2008

How to Use Positive Self Talk and Self Hypnotics to Improve your Life

How to apply positive self-talk and the self-hypnotic process to improve your personality...

Why would I want to use positive self-talk to improve my personality? I like who I am!

If you like and are comfortable with who you are, then chances are you do not need to work very hard at becoming a more appealing and charismatic personality.

People who are most comfortable in their own skin are not the people who seek to improve on or alter their personalities.

Rather, it is those people who are shy, retiring or may be insecure in their own identities that are most likely to want to change something about themselves to make them somehow more appealing to those around them, not realizing that very often the person others see them as is merely a reflection of how they project themselves.

People who are less comfortable with who they are often reflect this, whether consciously or unconsciously, in the way that they interact with other people.

If they are less outgoing and more retiring, what is in fact just a shy or insecure nature may even be seen as snobbish, cold, or uninterested in those around them.

These people are often misunderstood because they are unconsciously projecting an image of themselves that, while not accurate of their true selves, is really a reflection of who they believe other people think they are.

Since other people will only reinforce this perception by reacting to their own misunderstandings of shy people, the shy person then becomes even more withdrawn, creating a truly unhappy cycle.

It is these people and not those who are confident in themselves and comfortable and happy with whom they are as people, who are most likely to want to change or improve their personality.

How can positive self-talk help improve a person’s personality?

While positive self-talk will not actually change somebody’s personality, it can be sued to change that person’s perception of him or herself and thereby alter the way in which they project themselves to others, altering in turn the way that others perceive them.

By reassuring themselves of their own attractiveness as people and the desirability of their own company, normally shy and retiring people can discover newfound confidence that they will then project to the world at large.

It is much the same effect as is had when a friend gives us a sincere compliment about some aspect of our character; not only are we pleased to hear this, but we become more aware of this good quality and make an unconscious effort to put it forward more.

What sorts of things should people say to achieve this change in their personalities?

People should begin and end by reinforcing their own worth as human beings.

It can be enormously helpful to make a list of all the kind of things you have said in the past concerning your personalities.

It can also be helpful to include a few compliments on physical appearance as well, since these also make us feel good and project confidence, but they should not be the focus of the self-talk, as physical attributes can change quite rapidly and should never be the focus of our evaluation of our own worth.

By repeating compliments other have given us we are able to remind ourselves that other people have seen our worth as well, and have noticed it enough to remark on it to us directly.

Subjects should then build on the list of compliments with ideas of their own.

They might want to list other admirable attributes they have that they want people to notice more, and tell themselves that they will begin to display these good qualities to others.

As they reinforce their own value as humans, they will acquire an increased confidence in themselves that will not only be noticed by those around them, but also be reflected in the behavior of others toward the subject, turning a once-vicious cycle into a beneficial one.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

How to put the power of positive self-talk into action for yourself

Do I always have to have a specific goal in mind when I begin my positive self-talk sessions?

No, you do not always have to have one concrete goal in mind when you begin your self-talk sessions.

It is true that having one particular goal or direction in mind can be extremely beneficial in helping you further your progress.

in one particular area, but if you are looking to just generally improve your outlook on life and your ability to cope with trying situations, here are some helpful phrases that you can use in your positive self-talk sessions to accomplish that goal.

“I will remember to carry out everyday tasks that might sometimes slip my notice.

I will make room for balance in my life, for time with my friends and family as well as time to myself.”

“I will not undertake any task that I know is beyond my ability to handle successfully.”

“When I choose to undertake a task I will make steady progress on it.”

“I will become more dedicated to the process of a complete and balanced life. I will become excited about improving my life.”

“Every time I practice my relaxation exercises I will do my best to make positive progress.”

“I am willing, eager and ready to make whatever alterations to my daily schedule and lifestyle that may be required to change my life for the better.”

“Each day I will devote some time and effort to improving my self confidence.

I will work hard to become surer of myself and more self-possessed.”

“I want to gain an objective view of my life in order for me to see what aspects of it should be improved on for me to achieve better happiness and improved success.”

“I will take time to make note of all my successes, and I will be sure to take pleasure in the results.

I will also make every effort to learn from whatever failures or setbacks I may encounter, and be sure to view these as learning opportunities.”

“I will make every effort to change that which is in my power to change, but will also be careful to accept the things that are not within my power to change and instead work to changing my attitude toward and outlook on those things that displease me that I cannot change.

Instead of becoming annoyed, I will try to become more philosophical about them.”

“My level of patience can be improved on. I will work to become less irritated by the pettier things in life.”

“I will avoid disturbing topics that upset me and those around me.

I will not dwell on morbid or upsetting topics.”

“I will make every effort to focus on the pleasant things in life.

I will focus on the sort of person I want to be.”

“I will make every effort to guard against my known weaknesses.”

“I will make note of my past mistakes.

While I will be careful to not dwell on them so much that they overshadow future successes, it is important to recognize them so I can learn from them in the future.”

“I will make every effort to make careful note of those obstacles that stand between me and my future happiness, health and general security and peace of mind.

I will also strive to see how they can be surmounted.”

“If I encounter disappointment this will not shake my faith in me or my abilities,”

“I will be able to better concentrate and focus.”

“I will be able to remember things with greater ease.

My memory will improve.”

“My self control will increase.”

“I will develop a peace of mind and sense of tranquility.”

Of course, these are only suggestions.

For maximum results, it is best to make a personal list of what you want to achieve, and work from there.

604 799 3238

Karl Radke

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

karl radke

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.  mp3

karl radke

Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterzreply-count Replies.  mp3

How to prepare for a relaxing and productive positive self talk session

Does it really matter if I am comfortable or not when I prepare for my positive self-talk?

While nobody will be breaking down your door to scold you for preparing incorrectly if you do not set up for a positive self-talk session exactly the way recommended by most experts in the field of positive self-talk, it is still a very good idea to put a little thought and effort into the organization of your session.

There is a great deal of suggestibility involved in the process of self-talk, which simply put means that people who give themselves the self-talks are actually giving themselves a sort of hypnotic suggestion as well.

The greater a person’s level of suggestibility, the more likely that the self-talk session will prove most beneficial.

Therefore, it is important to raise your level of suggestibility as much as possible while preparing for a session of positive self-talk.

Because studies have shown that people who are more comfortable and relaxed in their environment tend to be more suggestible, since they will lower natural mental guards when they become more relaxed, it is a good idea to prepare an environment that promoted the greatest relaxation.

Of course, this sort of environment will vary slightly from person to person, as everybody relaxes in different ways for different reasons.

It is best for the subject to find a room and situation that is comfortable for personal reasons, rather than conventional reasons.

Just be careful not to make things TOO comfortable, since you don’t want to fall asleep!

Okay so I’m comfortable.

Nevertheless, what are some other ways that I can use to prepare for my positive self-talk session?

The first step to creating a productive environment for a positive self-talk session is to eliminate every kind of distraction!

If you have a young, active and noisy family, it is best to be sure, they will be occupied in other ways, preferably out of the house entirely.

As fun as it can be to have family around and even as relaxing as some people might find it, it is important that the only voice you hear during your positive self-talk session be your own, or else you may become confused in spite of yourself!

You are going to be giving yourself some very specific instructions during your session and you may even be dealing with some personal, possibly private issues that you would rather not be overheard, so it really is most advisable to be certain that everybody is quietly occupied in some other part of the house.

If necessary, make yourself a little “do not disturb” sign and hang it outside the room in which you conduct your sessions; that way your family will be sure to know that this is your personal, private time and they will need to come back later.

For younger children it can be helpful to buy a simple egg timer, and teach them to know that until they hear the timer go off, Mummy or Daddy is off limits!

Some other ways that you can prepare for a productive and rewarding positive self-talk session may seem trivial but will make a big difference in the long rung.

Be sure to wear loose and comfortable clothing, set the temperature in the room to a comfortable level, and make sure you take care of all physical needs before you come in to begin your session.

This could involve eating a nice, light meal if you expect to get hungry, and or using the washroom before you begins.

This way you will be less distracted all around and in a better position to have a great session.

Monday, August 4, 2008


FREE trainning call

Like old fashioned small town Docs

The Million Mind March healers are making house calls this week...

To the tired..the weary, the weak and the brokeAs a member...

your job is to go out and find a person who needs the message...

and bring them down...Four clinics this week...

Open to the public and free of charge...

Monday 9:27 pm estDiane Hochman introduces a special guest speaker

Tuesday 9:27 pm estDiane ministers to the mulitiude

Wednesday 9:27 est

Kristen Darkenwald and Princess (her dog) do animal therapy that heals and uplifts Thursday 3 pm est

Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to conduct a relaxing positive self talk session through preparatory relaxation exercises

Is it that important if I am relaxing during my self-talk session?

It may not be the most important thing about your session but it is certainly one of them.

It is best to know how to set up your self-talk “station” to make yourself relaxed and comfortable as you conduct your session.

These relaxation exercises will prepare you both for the positive self-talk process and to be more receptive to the suggestions you are giving yourself.
How do I conduct these relaxation exercises?

To begin these relaxation exercises it is very important to find a location where you can be certain that you will not be disturbed.

If it is possible, it is also best to lock your door.

Try to choose a time to conduct your relaxation exercises when there is very little external noise to distract you.

If you live in a noisy or busy area or if the only time you have in which to conduct your exercises is likely to be a very loud or active one, you will want to invest in earplugs to help reduce external distraction.

It is also best to choose a time when you know you will not be too tired to focus or indeed too worried to focus

. Try to choose a time when you will not have a whole list of household chores or jobs lined up and waiting for you immediately after you are done.

It is best to choose a time when your mind will be as clear as possible, and because of this it would be ideal for your relaxation times if you were able to take some time before them to just clear your mind and settle in.

Begin by arranging yourself comfortably on a soft but supportive surface such as a sofa or even a bed.

Some people actually find that these locations are not conducive to relaxation since it makes them think of sleep, or relax too much, so they do better if they arrange themselves on the floor supported by a soft rug.

It is best if the subject experiment with a variety of surfaces and locations before determining what best suits a personal need.

Sometimes a flat pad or firm cushion or pillow can also be helpful in being settled.

At what time you are sure that you have chosen the position that will offer you the greatest comfort and support available, lie down flat on your back with your arms resting on the floor at your sides, but not touching your body.

Look up at the ceiling, and be careful that you do not stare but just allow your eyes to relax, and even to wander a little if that is what feels most natural to you when conducting this relaxation exercise.

Give yourself time to breathe in and out in a relaxing and regulated fashion.

Do not rush breaths or force them, but simply find the rate of breathing that is most comfortable in your position and maintain it.

As you practice your relaxation techniques, it is also helpful to practice your positive self-talk technique.

As you begin to relax and settle in, encourage yourself by speaking in a level tone phrases like the following:

“It will take some time and patience for me to properly learn this relaxation technique.

It will take some time for me to become very good at this, but I have the patience and desire to accomplish it.

”“I am going to master this relaxation technique.”“I am going to convince my body to work for me. I will be able to improve my outlook on life by mastering this relaxation technique.”

Friday, August 1, 2008

How to Apply the Benefits of Positive Self Talk to our Everyday Lives

Is this positive self-talk stuff valid, or is it just a lot of bunk?

There are varying expert opinions on the overall adequacy of positive self-talk as a long-term aid to general improvement of a person’s quality of life, since every person is so unique and such an individual that no two are likely to employ the process in exactly the same way
Some people may view it as a magic cure-all that they need only employ a few times before they will see results.

Naturally, these people are doomed to disappointment, since positive self-talk is only one-step in a long process of self-improvement and must be used often in order to be truly effective.

However, other people who are truly desirous of making a long-term effectual changes in one or more aspects of their lives.

Moreover, who are willing to commit themselves to a long-term program to accomplish this often have the drive and determination to say nothing of the willpower and persistence that is required to make a lasting success of positive self-talk techniques?

These are the people who are willing to invest the time into encouraging themselves, especially when nobody else is around to do it, in order to effect a long term and positive result for their lives.

By employing the positive self-talk techniques in this manner, they are in a position to succeed in just about any field they put their minds to.

What is the basic idea behind positive self-talk?

The general principle of positive self-talk is that people are able to improve on some aspect of their lives by concentrating on the positive aspects.

Whether these are aspects that already exist, or aspects that they want to survive in the future.

By focusing on these particular points and reinforcing them to themselves repeatedly, people are able to create in themselves anticipation and expectation that they will come to pass.

People often use a mirror for this process, speaking to themselves as one would a friend to a trusted friend.

It is easier to confide in ourselves than in other people, but speaking to a mirror often gives people a grounding and the sense that they are being spoken to directly by a person they trust, reinforcing the accuracy of what they are promising themselves will come to pass.

Positive self-talk is obviously not to be mistaken for a cure-all of any sort, or for a magic formula that will make the problem immediately vanish. However, it will create in the subject a sense of anticipation and a determination to succeed that will set him or her well on the path to achieving the goals outlined during the process of self-talking.

What are some aspects of peoples’ lives that can be improved by positive self-talk?

Virtually any part of your life over which you would expect to have physical or mental control can be effected by and improved upon by the process of positive self-talk.

Usually the areas that are most easily influenced by self-talk, however, are those that involve the application of willpower or a change in peoples’ thinking and mental state.

Just a few of the areas of peoples’ lives that can be and have been improved by the application of positive self-talk.

Are the processes of breaking an addiction, such as gambling or smoking, the eradication of certain fears and phobias that interfere with daily lives, the improvement of one’s outlook on life and ability to cope with daily stresses, the improvement of one’s mental focus and skills, the improvement of one’s commitment to relationships, and the elimination of bad habits.

Many more areas can be worked on, though virtually anything, you can put your mind to can be accomplished with a little willpower and a bit of positive encouragement.

Positive thinking and self-talk will keep you healthier and happier.