Sophia’s beautiful smile betrays this teenager’s seriousness.
At one time standing before a group of people as an advocate for one of her country’s natural resources caused her heart to pound and her hands to sweat.
But her passion has moved her far beyond her fear of public speaking.
Sophia Colombari lives near the coast of Costa Rica.
She enjoys the beauty, serenity and unique environment of the local beaches.
But she also sees a huge problem.
The sea turtles are threatened.
“Looking at hundreds of turtles around me moving all over the beach, digging nests and laying eggs, is absolutely exciting and inspirational,” says Sophia...
And it is this deep appreciation that has caused her to become their advocate.
Sophia points out that “the Olive Ridley Turtles are an important ecological resource, and their protection is essential to the wellbeing of Costa Rica.”
The Olive Ridley is the smallest of the sea turtles and nest along the entire length of Cost Rica, using 48 of the country’s 51 beaches.
They are being threatened by the shrimp fishermen’s nets, but even more by the illegal poaching of their eggs.
Sophia discovered that it is estimated that human poaching results in the destruction of between 80 and 100 percent of the nests.
This destruction is in direct proportion to the accessibility of the beach...
Sophia decided to do something about this looming problem.
After researching and learning all she could about the turtles, she began making presentations of her findings to local schools, businessmen, and fishermen.
She stressed the importance and need of their support in preserving the turtle nesting areas.
She has raised funds for local conservation efforts and posted signs at local beaches to protect other turtle species as well – especially the Leatherback...
15-year-old Sophia didn’t let her age deter her from speaking out on behalf of the defenseless turtles.
Nor did she let what others might think stop her from doing what she knew was right.
Sophia knows that she’s not only helping the turtles; she’s helping to protect the future of her country as well...
And as a result of her efforts, the local community has taken steps to protect their beaches for the turtles...
There are many, many issues that need your voice and support.
It’s not possible to help all of them, but you can help one! Look around your neighborhood or community.
Is there something you see that concerns you?
If so, start asking questions.
Do some research at your library, on the Internet, or talk to officials that can help you determine what you can do.
Ask others to join your efforts!
Your only limit is what you put on yourself!!!
Keep Sophia’s courage and determination in mind, and you, too will make a difference!
It’s not about what you can’t do; it’s about what you CAN do!
Get your free video series showing you how to build your business on a budget
Tonights call is at
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-
pick up the Chaos to Cash
Call me
604 799 3238
Love you all
Karl Radke
At one time standing before a group of people as an advocate for one of her country’s natural resources caused her heart to pound and her hands to sweat.
But her passion has moved her far beyond her fear of public speaking.
Sophia Colombari lives near the coast of Costa Rica.
She enjoys the beauty, serenity and unique environment of the local beaches.
But she also sees a huge problem.
The sea turtles are threatened.
“Looking at hundreds of turtles around me moving all over the beach, digging nests and laying eggs, is absolutely exciting and inspirational,” says Sophia...
And it is this deep appreciation that has caused her to become their advocate.
Sophia points out that “the Olive Ridley Turtles are an important ecological resource, and their protection is essential to the wellbeing of Costa Rica.”
The Olive Ridley is the smallest of the sea turtles and nest along the entire length of Cost Rica, using 48 of the country’s 51 beaches.
They are being threatened by the shrimp fishermen’s nets, but even more by the illegal poaching of their eggs.
Sophia discovered that it is estimated that human poaching results in the destruction of between 80 and 100 percent of the nests.
This destruction is in direct proportion to the accessibility of the beach...
Sophia decided to do something about this looming problem.
After researching and learning all she could about the turtles, she began making presentations of her findings to local schools, businessmen, and fishermen.
She stressed the importance and need of their support in preserving the turtle nesting areas.
She has raised funds for local conservation efforts and posted signs at local beaches to protect other turtle species as well – especially the Leatherback...
15-year-old Sophia didn’t let her age deter her from speaking out on behalf of the defenseless turtles.
Nor did she let what others might think stop her from doing what she knew was right.
Sophia knows that she’s not only helping the turtles; she’s helping to protect the future of her country as well...
And as a result of her efforts, the local community has taken steps to protect their beaches for the turtles...
There are many, many issues that need your voice and support.
It’s not possible to help all of them, but you can help one! Look around your neighborhood or community.
Is there something you see that concerns you?
If so, start asking questions.
Do some research at your library, on the Internet, or talk to officials that can help you determine what you can do.
Ask others to join your efforts!
Your only limit is what you put on yourself!!!
Keep Sophia’s courage and determination in mind, and you, too will make a difference!
It’s not about what you can’t do; it’s about what you CAN do!
Get your free video series showing you how to build your business on a budget
Tonights call is at
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-
pick up the Chaos to Cash
Call me
604 799 3238
Love you all
Karl Radke
Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterz.
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