Before Malalai was seven years old, her family had been moved from Afghanistan to Iran and then to Pakistan so she could attend school.
They moved from refugee camp to refugee camp to ensure their survival and to stay together.
When Malalai was 15, she became a teacher dedicated to fighting the illiteracy she witnessed all around her.
Five years later, under the repressive Taliban government, she moved to Herat in northwestern Afghanistan and joined an underground movement that supported schools for girls.
“We had to shift from location to location and we always carried the Koran so we could pretend we were in prayer, not in class,” she said. Taliban spies followed the girls in an attempt to find the schools and shut them down.
Malalai now lives and works among the simple folk in the Farah province of Afghanistan, and although her enemy is no longer the Taliban, human rights abuses against Afghan women continue. Malalai says of those in power, “People have changed physically, but not mentally. They are all the same. They are all Taliban in different clothes. They don’t really believe in democracy.”
In 2003, when Malalai was only 24 years old, she was elected to the Loya Jirga (grand council) that met to form the new Afghan government. As a result of using that forum to speak the truth, she suffered abuse, attacks on her home and survived four assassination attempts.
Then in 2005, Malalai was elected to the Parliament.
She had not intended to seek political office, but “. . . my supporters kept saying, ‘Your voice at the Loya Jirga gave us a hope that there is at least one who understands our suffering.
Now we want you once again to be the voice of the voiceless at Parliament.’ I couldn’t help but accept the honor to be the voice of my oppressed nation. . .”
This tiny, not-quite-5-foot tall woman is one of the most popular and powerful women in Afghanistan.
She is fearless as she speaks out for the rights of women and children in her country.
Malalai is aware that her life is in danger.
She sleeps in a different place every night; every day she is forced to wear a burqua (an outer garment covering her entire body), and is accompanied 24 hours a day by bodyguards.
People try to stop her as they fear for her life, but Malalai will not be silenced. “It gives me strength to keep telling the truth,” she insists.
Malalai Joya is a courageous woman who is putting her comfort, safety and life on the line for her beliefs.
Not many of us will ever be asked to what she is doing.
But each of us will be required at some point to stand up for what we believe.
It may be among strangers who are spreading lies about a friend.
It could be at a club meeting or before a school board speaking against an injustice.
It might be at a social event among friends who are gossiping.
Will you swallow your fear, and like Malalai stand up and speak the truth?
Your courage may be all that is needed to make the difference for someone else.
It may not be easy, but it can be done.
Tonights call is at
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-
pick up the Chaos to Cash
Love you all
Karl Radke
604 799 3238
They moved from refugee camp to refugee camp to ensure their survival and to stay together.
When Malalai was 15, she became a teacher dedicated to fighting the illiteracy she witnessed all around her.
Five years later, under the repressive Taliban government, she moved to Herat in northwestern Afghanistan and joined an underground movement that supported schools for girls.
“We had to shift from location to location and we always carried the Koran so we could pretend we were in prayer, not in class,” she said. Taliban spies followed the girls in an attempt to find the schools and shut them down.
Malalai now lives and works among the simple folk in the Farah province of Afghanistan, and although her enemy is no longer the Taliban, human rights abuses against Afghan women continue. Malalai says of those in power, “People have changed physically, but not mentally. They are all the same. They are all Taliban in different clothes. They don’t really believe in democracy.”
In 2003, when Malalai was only 24 years old, she was elected to the Loya Jirga (grand council) that met to form the new Afghan government. As a result of using that forum to speak the truth, she suffered abuse, attacks on her home and survived four assassination attempts.
Then in 2005, Malalai was elected to the Parliament.
She had not intended to seek political office, but “. . . my supporters kept saying, ‘Your voice at the Loya Jirga gave us a hope that there is at least one who understands our suffering.
Now we want you once again to be the voice of the voiceless at Parliament.’ I couldn’t help but accept the honor to be the voice of my oppressed nation. . .”
This tiny, not-quite-5-foot tall woman is one of the most popular and powerful women in Afghanistan.
She is fearless as she speaks out for the rights of women and children in her country.
Malalai is aware that her life is in danger.
She sleeps in a different place every night; every day she is forced to wear a burqua (an outer garment covering her entire body), and is accompanied 24 hours a day by bodyguards.
People try to stop her as they fear for her life, but Malalai will not be silenced. “It gives me strength to keep telling the truth,” she insists.
Malalai Joya is a courageous woman who is putting her comfort, safety and life on the line for her beliefs.
Not many of us will ever be asked to what she is doing.
But each of us will be required at some point to stand up for what we believe.
It may be among strangers who are spreading lies about a friend.
It could be at a club meeting or before a school board speaking against an injustice.
It might be at a social event among friends who are gossiping.
Will you swallow your fear, and like Malalai stand up and speak the truth?
Your courage may be all that is needed to make the difference for someone else.
It may not be easy, but it can be done.
Tonights call is at
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
and if you want to grab the the 2 cd set- and get a FREE Science of Getting Rich-
pick up the Chaos to Cash
Love you all
Karl Radke
604 799 3238
Mobile post sent by karlradle using Utterz.
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